Do you know that man actually does look at the outward appearance and that is the reason it is important for us to communicated effectively through our speech and our appearance?
“Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no man had known her.
And she went down to the well, filled her pitcher, and came up.”
Genesis 24 verse 16
Here in verse 16, we are introduced to another dimension of Rebekah’s qualities. Her physical qualities.
As we analyse these qualities, we will begin to see how these physical qualities are based on her inner strength and firm foundation.
¨Rebekah was very beautiful to behold."
In other words, she was pleasing to the eyes. For me, this represents good grooming.
Through out primary school and high school, you must have noticed certain students who always looked so neat and clean no matter what day of the week it was. They always had white, clean socks; glossy looking sandals, clean, and well-ironed uniforms. You might even have been one of such students. Sometimes these students were also the same students who did very well in their academics. They had some sort of tendency to being excellent in everything.
I know a lot of women who are not pretty, they do not have any super features on their face, but they are so well-groomed that you have no choice but to admit to yourself that they look very good. In other words, they are pleasing to the eyes, beautiful to behold!
Good grooming requires discipline. It is a habit. You only have one skin, take good care of it. Moisturize well, find products that work well for your skin type and use them.
Invest in good grooming. We have heard time and time again, that we will be addressed the way we dress. You do not have to be young or have lots of money to look good. What you need more than money is diligence about your appearance.
During the Christmas of 1999, I went to an exhibition in the city of Bath England titled “Women of Style”. Among the many displays of clothes belonging to certain women millionaires, there was a display for a wartime American nurse. She had little money but lots of style.
Most times, a woman’s appearance is first assessed before she is listened to. In the years to come, you will never regret having invested time or money in good grooming. It is like brushing your teeth twice a day, you may not get the full pay-off right now, but in your old age you will. You are looking forward to old age, aren’t you?
Accentuate your best features and your best attributes. Sit down, take a mirror, assess and calculate what God has given you. Focus on your strengths.
When that is done, wear a smile. A smile is the perfect finishing touch to anyone’s appearance.
Cover your body well. Walking naked or wearing something that fits like a sock is not the answer to low self-esteem. You can package yourself well, remain fully covered from head to toe, if you like, and still spell femininity.
Find your confidence in God. Be firmly routed in Jesus. Make friends with the Holy Spirit, He is the best personal fashion expert. There are things that you will put on and the Holy Spirit will give you an inward signal that it is wrong for you.
There is a way that God wants people to see you because He knows what your future is like. He wants your present image to correspond with your future. The only way that you can achieve that corresponding personal identity is by staying in His bosom and knowing that He cares so much about you. No amount of public attention can add up to the Master of the Universe’ attention on us.
“…She was wearing a richly ornamented robe, for this was the kind of garment the virgin daughters of the king wore.”
2 Samuel 13 verse 18b
We are daughters of the Great King. There is way that we dress.